- CBD Stone Extraction
- Foreign Body Removal
Diagnostic Services
UGI Endoscopy
It’s a diagnostic endoscopic procedure that is used to visualize the upper part of GI track till duodenum.
Colonoscopy is screening test in which a doctor uses a flexible tube with a camera attached to an end called Colonoscope, to evaluate inside rectum and colon. It helps doctor to find out the cause of symptoms such as
- Bleeding from Anus
- Change in bowl movements
- Pain in abdomen
- Unexpected weight loss
- Screening for Colorectal cancer
It has a short tube head.
It has a long tube head. It can be done under GA.
Endoscopic Biopsy
It is a procedure which is used for taking the biopsy where fibre-optic endoscope helps to guide the incision for taking the biopsy. It involves the collection of tissue sample during the endoscopy.
Fibro Scan
Electrogastrography (EGG)
PEP Test
Hydrogen Breath Test (H2BT)
Top Specialists in Kolkata

Dr. Debanik Sarkar
MD Physician, MSC Gastroenterology (UK), Trained in Gastroenterology at BARTS AND THE LONDON (UK)
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Dr. Kushan Sengupta
MD, DrNB Gastroenterology, Fellowship in Transplant Hepatology
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