Welcome to our Diagnostic Laboratory where expertise and innovation converge to redefine diagnostics and healthcare. By striving for excellence in diagnostics, we will ensure accurate and timely results with the help of cutting-edge technology, advanced methodologies and continuous upgradation to stay at the forefront of medical advancements.
Some of our State-of-the-art instruments with Latest Technologies. Presenting a concise overview of our analyzers:

VIDAS Immunoassay System
With the help of this multi parametric immunoassay system based on the ELFA Technology, we provide high quality on-demand test results of various parameters like Procalcitonin, Total IgE, Hormone/Fertility related tests, Thyroid related tests, Tests related to Bone and Mineral Metabolism and Tumour Markers, exemplifying precision and efficiency.

MINDRAY BC-700 Hematology Analyzer
Compact 5-part differential analyzer having cutting-edge technology which provide reliable CBC & ESR results in one test. Combined examination helps to avoid the interference of dehydration, polycythemia vera and anemia on ESR results. Compared with other analyzers, this performs better in quality traceability, repeatability, speed, safety and level of automation.

MINDRAY BS-240E Chemistry Analyzer
BS-240E is a advanced multi-functional chemistry analyzer with high throughput, advanced robust functions, smart sampling technology and many more which helps us to provide quality reports in diagnostic clinical chemistry testing.

VITEK2 Compact
VITEK2 Compact is a efficient automated instrument for fast, accurate & reliable microbial identification and antibiotic susceptibility testing (AST) with reduced hands-on time for rapid reporting capabilities by eliminating risk of contamination for culture and sensitivity testing.

BIORAD D-10 Testing System
BIORAD D-10 Hemoglobin Testing System is a compact, fully automated high performing platform that combines HbA1c (Diabetes monitoring) and β-thalassemia Testing on a single platform with the help of HPLC technology.

STart Max Coagulation Analyzer
It is Four Channel semi-automated coagulation analyzer by STAGO providing reliable and quality reports for tests like Prothrombin Time (PT) and Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT).

Mindray MR-96A
The Mindray MR96A appears to be a specialized spectrophotometer designed for ELISA plate reading in diagnostic facilities. ELISA, or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, is a commonly used technique in laboratories for detecting the presence of specific antibodies or antigens. This Mindray MR96A appears to be a specialized and reliable spectrophotometer designed to meet the demands of diagnostic laboratories, particularly in the context of ELISA plate reading for a wide range of applications in infectious disease serology, autoimmune testing, and potentially other fields.

Mindray MW-12A
The Mindray MW-12A Micro-plate washer is designed to streamline and automate the washing procedure for microtiter plates used in diagnostic assays, particularly in the context of ELISA. By providing automation, the micro-plate washer offers advantages in terms of speed, accuracy, throughput, and reproducibility compared to manual alternatives, making it a valuable tool for laboratories using ELISA procedure in infectious disease serology, autoimmune testing, antigen-antibody testing and potentially other fields.